Is The Benefit Amount Different Under SSDI Than Under SSI?

SSDI benefits are based on your work history, and SSI payments are a set amount

Social Security Administration branch. The SSA administers retirement, disability, and survivors benefits.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are two different programs within Social Security Disability. The process to determine if you are eligible to receive these benefits is very similar, as is the application process. However, the amount you receive under these two programs differs.

Your monthly benefit amount for SSDI is dependent upon your work history, earned work credits, and what you paid into the SSDI program. Your monthly benefit amount for SSI is dependent upon the Federal Benefit Rate as well as other income you may receive.

For more information on SSDI or SSI and your monthly benefit amount, please contact us. We look forward to helping you!

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